Decorative image of a man checking an emission reduction installation with a tablet

At Montair we have been creating integrated systems to reduce emissions from industrial waste gas flows for more than 50 years. Our expertise includes:

- Acid gasses such as SO2 and HCl
- Alkaline gases such as ammonia

- Volatile organic compounds 
- Aerosols

- Fine dust particles 
- Heavy metals

- Nitrogen oxides
- Solids

3 steps to less emissions

 1. Your question

We specify the scope and bases of the project in closes cooperation. Based on this, we propose a draft emission reduction system for approval. If desired, we also conduct a preliminary investigation in this step.

2. The plan

After acceptance of the concept, we calculate the investment and provide a quotation. You will receive a detailed description of the system and the project organization.

3. From engineering to commissioning

Once you approve the detailed plan, our experts will get to work for you - from the development process to installation at your location. We work closely with you and opt for a flexible and pragmatic approach. With our joint commitment we ensure a smooth project progress.

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Meeting of Montair together with Rendac Son

Discover our solutions for emission reduction

Absorbers / scrubbers

Scrubbers, specifically absorbers, remove and/or reduce gaseous substances from/in industrial exhaust gases, including aromatics and components, acidic or alkaline, such as hydrochloric acid, sulphur dioxide, and ammonia. A quench or an evaporation cooler, cools the exhaust gases to saturation temperature before they are conveyed into the scrubber.

Venturi scrubber

Venturi scrubbers separate solid substances from exhaust gas streams. These scrubbers often have a dual function:

  1. To cool exhaust gases
  2. To remove solid substances

When is a Venturi scrubber needed?

  • If a cyclone isn’t giving you the results that you need
  • If the solid components are sticky in nature
  • If the particle size of the substance being separated is less than or equal to 6 microns

Aerosol filters (HEAF)

Aerosol filters are required for the removal of submicron particles. Montair produces the typical HEAF® (High Efficiency Aerosol Filter) system, which uses a replaceable filter medium. We supply this on rolls for a continuous, clean air stream. We also supply stationary filters for applications where pollution with solid components is low. The filter systems are ideal for filtering and for removing virtually all sticky, oily, and liquid aerosol particles.

HEPA filters and dust removers

A HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is a blower filter that prevents the spread of small particles. The HEPA filters in a domestic vacuum cleaner clean the air blown back out, preventing fine particles and bacteriological components from swirling around the house. Montair supplies HEPA filters on a large scale for (petro) chemical, pharmaceutical, and nuclear applications to prevent the emission of small particles. In addition to these filters, Montair also supplies pneumatically cleanable dust removal systems, which remove particles from the exhaust air stream at exhaust air temperatures of up to 260°C. By injecting additives such as calcium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, and active carbon, we can also remove acidic components and dioxins/furan from the exhaust air.

Spray dryers

Spray dryers dry liquids or water containing dissolved salts and/or solid particles. Montair supplies spray dryers for (petro) chemical, pharmaceutical and nuclear, feed, and food applications. Conventional types are:

  • Air-driven sprayers
  • Rotary sprayers

We design complete spray dryers depending on products, space, energy supply and, of course, requirements.

Exhaust air cleaning, plasma installation

Montair delivered the waste gas cleaning installation for the plasma installation for the processing of radioactive waste from the Kozloduy nuclear plant (KNPP) in Bulgaria. This project was carried out for the Iberdrola-Belgoprocess joint venture. This plasma installation is the second industrial installation in the world – the first being in Switzerland – to use state-of-the-art plasma technology to process radioactive waste.

Introduction scrubbing systems

Would you like to know more about wet scrubber systems?

Enter your email address below and get access to the whitepaper.

Interested in our solutions or questions about emission reduction?

Send us an e-mail, call us, or send us a call me back request and our colleagues are happy to help.

Contact details

Montair Environmental Solutions B.V.

Heuvelsestraat 14
The Netherlands

I have 30 years of experience in the engineering of new machinery and installations and I am still developing my knowledge. Every challenge is unique. I love the fact that we can use our knowledge and experience to find the right solutions to meet our clients’ needs.

Peter Maessen - Senior Project Engineer
Peter Maessen - Senior Project Engineer